
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Judson Cicero and Warwick Jenkins - Civil War

We plan to write more about this as information is discovered but Judson Cicero Jenkins (1839-1891) was the half-brother of Warwick Jenkins.  Cicero served in the 8th Texas Cavalry along with B. H. Carroll, a name that is familiar to Texas Baptists.  After the war, Cicero practiced law with Warwick in Waco until Cicero died in 1891.  After Cicero's death, his widow Julia Dean Jenkins received a Confederate pension from the U. S. Government.  On the roster of the 8th Texas Cavalry was a W. H. Jenkins, but this was William Herndon "Bill" Jenkins, we believe, a neighbor of the Carrolls from Caldwell, Texas.

Warwick was eight years younger than Cicero, having been born in 1847.  He was 14 1/2 when the Civil War began and Warwick was living with his mother, Harriet Ann Daniel Jenkins, in Waco.  To the best of our knowledge, he joined the 15th Texas Infantry two years later and served under Joseph W. Speight.  Annie Jenkins Sallee writes that Warwick served in Company G (a cavalry unit) under Waller and within that Company, in Green's Brigade.  At this point, we have not found his name on a roster.  Though the activities of the 15th Texas Infantry are well documented, we have not yet found a great deal of personal information other than that of the officers: the Speights, Harrisons and some others.  They were all family friends and later fellow members of First Baptist Church of Waco.

Many of the families were eventually related by marriage.  B. H. Carroll married Hallie Harrison after the death of Ellen Bell Carroll, his wife of many years.  Warwick Jenkins married Jessie Speight, daughter of Joseph W. Speight.